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UKK 2 km Walk Test

The UKK 2 km Walk Test is a simple and safe physical fitness test designed to measure cardiorespiratory fitness of adults.

Whom is the test suitable for? 

The UKK 2 km Walk Test is meant for 20- to 65-year-old adults who have no illness or disability that limits brisk walking. The test is not recommended for highly fit persons who exercise intensively (aerobic training) and regularly (over 1 hour and 5 times a week).

The test is familiar to thousands of Finns and is known beyond the borders of Europe as well. The UKK 2 km Walk Test is used in 22 countries.

How is it performed? 

The test is performed by walking 2 kilometers on a flat surface as fast as possible at an even pace. The results of the test are recorded as Fitness Index. It indicates the fitness level in relation to that of others of the same age and gender.

The UKK 2 km Walk Test includes a pre-testing health screening, which ensures safe testing. The test should be performed under guidance to ensure reliable results. Many different factors can cause an incorrect result, e.g. walking too slowly, sprint at the end, unsuitable clothing or careless preparation.

The computer software designed for the UKK 2 km Walk Test provides an individual exercise prescription based on the obtained fitness level.

The validity, reliability and safety of the UKK 2 km Walk Test has been confirmed with a series of scientific studies. It has proved to be a feasible fitness test to support physical activity counselling and promotion of health-enhancing physical activity.


  • Test forms: Order the test forms to conduct the UKK 2 km Walk Test from UKK Institute’s webshop. For orders in English, ask assistance: ukaineisto(a) 
  • Tester’s Guide: Download a revised edition of the Tester’s Guide for the UKK 2 km Walk Test: UKK Walk Test, Tester´s Guide (pdf) 
  • Sofware for calculating the results (WinWalk3). Order the software from UKK Institute’s webshop. For orders in English, ask assistance: aineisto(a)  

Read also 

Last updated: 31.8.2022

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