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UKK Health-Related Fitness Test

The UKK Health-Related Fitness Test is a field-based test battery serving as a professional tool for physical activity counseling. The battery is designed to monitor fitness and advance health-enhacing physical activity among middle-aged adults.

A safe fitness test battery for adults  

The UKK Health-Related Fitness Test is a scientifically developed test battery for middle-aged adults. It is a valid and reliable method to assess and monitor fitness and a safe and motivating method to promote health-enhancing physical activity and fitness. The term ‘health-related fitness’ refers to a person’s overall physical capacity.

The battery includes field-based tests for 

  • aerobic fitness 
  • musculoskeletal fitness 
  • motor fitness 
  • measures of body composition. 

The test battery is a professional tool for physical activity counseling in both primary health care and recreational settings. It enable individually-tailored fitness programmes to be drawn up on the basis of individual results.

Components of health-related fitness are important for health and well-being and can be improved by regular physical activity.

Tests of the UKK Health-Related Fitness Test Battery 

  • aerobic fitness is measured by the well known UKK Walk Test and/or 6 minute Walk Test 
  • motor fitness tests assess balance and agility 
  • musculoskeletal tests assess muscular strenght, power and endurance and flexibility of whole body 
  • body composition is assessed by simple measures of body height, weight and waist circumference. 

Aims of measuring health-related fitness 

  • to assess the level of fitness compared to age- and sex-matched norm-reference values 
  • to motivate for regular physical activity 
  • to monitor changes in fitness. 

The client learns about many aspects of health-related fitness and receives a safe individually-tailored physical activity programme. 

Read also 

Last updated: 31.8.2022

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