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Other Health Promotion Materials

On the basis of scientific research, UKK Institute has developed several products and tools to promote health-enhancing physical activity.

KaatumisSeula tools to prevent falls

KaatumisSeula® tools include Fall Risk Assessment forms, Checklist of Risk Factors for Falls, 10 Ways to Prevent Falls and an Exercise Guide.

Physical Activity Prescription (PAP)

Physical Activity Prescription is a tool for physicians to initiate discussion about physical activity with patients and to refer them further for next steps.

Utilise materials from UKK Institute’s webshop 

In UKK Institute’s webshop you can find a myriad of tools and materials developed to promote health-enhancing physical activity. Some of them are available also in English. Feel free to download and print the materials.

For orders in English or deliveries outside Finland, ask for assistance: aineisto(a)

Last updated: 31.8.2022

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